First Promises

Yesterday we got a new president; complete with new hopes and promises. I am sure that there is a long list of people with even longer list of demands and advice. But long lines never stopped me before. Things I would like to see from the new administration in the first couple of weeks: Stem…

Prop 8 Destroys Economy

As if the billions lost to California wedding planners and cake bakers weren’t enough, today Brittish luxury brand Wedgewood went into “receivership.” This marks the end of a 250 dynasty of fussy tea pots and just oh-so-adorable creamers. Wedgewood found itself unable to sell enough it’s high end porcelain to keep afloat in the current…

Modes Kill UI

Over the holidays, I had the “opportunity” to help my mom with her computerized sewing machine. Before you wonder why, don’t ask.  These machines are in the sweet spot for some cross-over market between the computer illiterate and the sewing gizmo enthusiast. You take hausfrau and seamstresses who are confused by the idea of a…